Contact – updated!

This just in: I actually have a mailing address!

Helen Rortvedt
Escuela Mayatan
Copan Ruinas, Copan
Central America

That’s right. No numbers necessary.  Letters can arrive in a week to 10 days.  Packages take about 3 weeks (or sometimes longer). But, I would love to receive snail mail! It’s been a long time since I have had this luxury.


Honduras cell: 011 (504) 9576 3987.  I get free incoming calls! And you can text me for free on the Tigo website. Just enter your name on the first screen, and then type in my 8-digit phone number (no need for the 504) on the second screen.  On the third screen, type your message in the box below and then click “Enviar”.  (You will have to enter a verification code prompt before it will send.)

US cell: 1 (703) 835 7224 (Not applicable until the holidays.)


  1. Oh, what a wonderful picture you paint of your newest experience. You are a beautiful writer, Helen….are you sure you’ve chosen the right field???? How fortunate the people of Bolivia have you to teach and interact with. Think of you often and pray you stay safe. Is that ever a concern? I”m doing well, exercising and gradually getting my strength back….too slow for me, but they keep telling me to be patient. Don’t feel you have to answer, I will keep up with your blog and relay it to Uncle Bob. Love you, Kathy

  2. Hi Helen,

    Hope you are having a good time making some good friends. I love the pictures. All your messages about peace corps life bring to mind so many memories. Looks like the weather is good. We think of you often and are so proud of what you are doing. Keep up the good work.


  3. HeLeN,

    I am thrilled by your sense of adventure and purpose. So many times over the past two summers I have watched in awe as you so passionately make a difference in peoples lives. I look forward to reading about how you implemented your ideas and creativity into your programming. I can’t help but smile wondering if seniorita Gertrude has yet make an appearance.
    You’ll are missed but there is no other place I would want you to be. Sad has met its final resting place but help but hope its immortality will reign in the hearts of middle schoolers.
    Love the wink! Look forward to reading more of your story. Hope all is well. Be aware of wonder and remember your not only making a difference in Bolivia but in our hearts as well.


  4. awsome helen! i’m psyched you’re having a great time. wish i was there! i just found a website where i can order coca from peru by mail. $100 for 2 lbs. expensive but well worth it. i look forward to reading more about your adventures!


  5. helen my love. great to hear things are settling down for you. i’m curious to hear how the enviro. ed programs go for you. what a wonderful classroom you have down there! i have sent in most of the documentation needed for my application to antioch university for the fall(where chad went up in new england) i figured i wouldn’t disregard the option of going back to school after all. i’ll let you know what happens.

    i think of you often and send you hugs and kisses across the airwaves.

    your faithful lady

  6. Rita and i were so close last week when we made it to Juliana near Puno. We should have called. Alas, the nature of time is such that we must choose between paths. Your blog certainly implies that you are in the “flow” (of a cosmic and planetary connection), Hope it takes you on a fulfilling ride.

  7. HAH! I found your blog. Don’t see any dragons posts, though…

    I miss you! Lets get together soon.

    Love, Anne.

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